Welcome to our experiment!

After excavating the potential of this Pop-Up performance space here on the ground floor of 143 W. 26th Street, we are ready to share our interactive “Living Sculpture” evening with you.

This series of performances marks the launch of multi-year programing in celebration of Isadora Duncan’s 150th Birthday.

Conceived as a in this site -specific adventure in the raw, improvisation and divine accidents are welcome in this endeavor.

This space a gallery for you to explore, it’s an event “happening”, immerse yourself with the dancers and dance yourself!

Here’s Lori’s guide to the gallery:

take all the photos that move you (share them with us on social!)

witness live dancing throughout the space, have opinions and share with fellow audience members 

bid on silent auction has exciting gems

accept the invitation by the dancers to enter into the performance space 

accept the direction our staff in green tunics who will guide you in this adventure….

know that this whole project is experimental!! Be a part! Help it grow into a meaningful evening for yourself and others.

Lori Belilove & The Isadora Duncan Dance Company Cast:

Lori Belilove, Hayley Brasher, Emily D’Angelo, Kirsten Keane, Diana Uribe, Samantha Mercado. Apprentices: Brandy Brown, Kristina Hay & Sarah Krsnak

Artistic Director Lori Belilove

Assoc. A. D. Emily D’Angelo

Assistant Rehearsal Director Caroline Yamada

Choreography by Lori Belilove and Isadora Duncan, in collaboration with the dancers

Costumes (silk tunics) by Lori Belilove, after original Duncan Designs, and fashion designer Batsheva Hay (February Shows)

Vocalist Amber Evans (March Shows)

Music By Morricone, Gluck, Schubert, Brahms, Chopin, Sibelius, Brian Eno, John Link Project

Producer Gwynedd Vetter-Drusch

Lighting Design Michael Lupino

Installation Elysia Belilove

Stage Manager Delana Ramos


Thank You – to all my neighbors who have been enjoying and tolerating the activity of the ground floor! To John Kim who graciously entrusted me to use his retail space for this Pop-Up series of events.

Corporate sponsorship;

KDM Hardware

Starbright Florists

Rejuvenation MD NYC

Trader Joe’s

Brownies by Weezy