Children’s Classes
Children’s Classes
Weekly Schedule
4:30 – 5:30 PM
LIVE Isadora Duncan Pre-Teen Class at The IDDF
Ages 9 – 13 -
3:30 – 4:30 PM
LIVE Isadora Children’s class at McBurney YMCA
Ages 4 - 9
Class Descriptions
Pre-Teen Duncan Class at IDDF
Tuesday 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM EST
An intermediate level class by invitation or audition only.
Ages 9– 13
To register or have a trial please email contactclasses@isadoraduncan.org
McBurney Dance Classes
Wednesday 3:30 – 4:15 PM
Wednesday 4:15 – 5 PM
The NYC YMCA expands dance program with Lori Belilove & The Isadora Duncan Dance Company in residence.
Since September 2016, Lori Belilove & The Isadora Duncan Dance Company is in residence at McBurney YMCA. The residency includes class offerings in the dance of Isadora Duncan for children and adults (basic through professional levels) and in modern ballet, and studio space for rehearsals for The Company’s upcoming performances. The Company tours nationally and internationally, in diverse settings ranging from performing arts centers, museums, outdoor festivals, to college and university residencies.
The beauty, grace, and athleticism of the Duncan technique builds strength, musicality, and freedom of movement. Within the Duncan aesthetic, children breathe through floor exercises followed by skips, runs, leaps, and tosses – all to great classical music. Includes Greek mythology, story telling, and nature imagery. Registration is now open!
Classes at the YMCA occur in continuous sessions and are taught by Lori Belilove.
125 West 14th Street (between 6th & 7th Ave) NY, NY 10011
Attire for Duncan Classes: Camisole, leotard, bare feet, tunics optional and available through instructor the first day of class.
$35 (all tunics are custom made). To order in advance contact us with basic measurements at info@isadoraduncan.org; 212-691-5040.
Do you have a special way of teaching Duncan Dance?
Lori Belilove replies: “I bring many elements of life into the classes. We learn as we dance, and there is often an overlap of Greek mythology and art history. It becomes a whole world for us. I feel so strongly that this style feeds the whole person and taps a dancer’s imagination, heart, and soul. I have seen it promote a strong physicality, which is based on natural, organic movement.”
Since September 2016, Lori Belilove & The Isadora Duncan Dance Company is in residence at McBurney YMCA. The residency includes class offerings in the dance of Isadora Duncan for children and adults (basic through professional levels) and in modern ballet, and studio space for rehearsals for The Company’s upcoming performances. The Company tours nationally and internationally, in diverse settings ranging from performing arts centers, museums, outdoor festivals, to college and university residencies.
Company members are experienced dance instructors in the dance of Isadora Duncan, ballet, yoga, pilates, and barre and have joined the roster of instructors at the YMCA.