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May Salon Performances Celebrating Isadora's Birthday

Friday May 10th - 7:30 PM

Saturday May 11th - 7:30PM

Sunday May 12th - 3:00PM

Raw and unassuming, vibrant and sensual, the dancers are swathed and silk and born aloft by Duncan's brilliant musicality...

Experience the beauty of Isadora Duncan's Dance with these intimate Salon performances. Tickets include pre/post show talkbacks, wine & bubbly, birthday cake reception, and live piano accompaniment - all celebrating motherhood and Isadora's 147th birthday.

This program will pay homage to Motherhood with Isadora’s “Mother" to the music of Scriabin, the "Ave Maria" by Schubert with Vocalist Amber Evans, a suite of the Brahms Waltzes “The Many Faces of Love” with the fantastic "Flames of the Heart”, followed by Chopin’s “Death and the Maiden”. We will showcase a contemporary work by me to the music of Ennio Morricone as a modern expression of the Ave Maria Guarani. Signature works new for the company this year include  "Slow Mazurka", “Line Mazurka” and the “Gypsy Mazurka” - all danced by a rotating cast on different nights!

Isadora’s favorite German Chocolate birthday cake provided by Amy’s Bread

Lori Belilove, Artistic Director

Dancers: Emily D'Angelo, Hayley Rose, Caroline Yamada, Samuel Humphreys, Diana Uribe, Samantha Mercado, Kirsten Ashley Keane (Apprentice)

Pianist Jeremy Chan

Vocalist Amber Evans

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